The shape of your fish tank might seem purely a matter of personal choice. You might think, there can’t be anything important to know about what shape to choose. Just pick a shape you like, right? That tall show aquarium would really be sharp in my living room is something you might think. In the end that might be exactly what you end up with. You probably want to consider a couple of things just to make sure you are making the best choice. What most people are unaware of is that a long tank is generally much healthier than a tall fish tank. Here’s why.
Flash or Function
What’s most important to you, flash or function? Here’s what I mean. Tall “show” fish tanks are typically the most desirable. It’s pretty easy to understand why. They look nicer, and fit more places. You know the tanks I am talking about. Hexagon aquariums, corner aquariums, bow front aquariums, or even the cool wall hanging aquariums all look great! Not only that, usually they will fit in a room much better than a long fish tank. You don’t need a long open wall for these taller fish tanks.
Surface Area
You probably knew there would be a problem with the best looking tanks. Taller tanks are more difficult to maintain, and here’s why. The more surface area of water, the better gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your fish tank. This exchange is important to the health of you aquarium. It buys you more time to correct unhealthy water conditions and your tank will appreciate it. Generally the deeper and longer the tank the better exchange you have.
Don’t forget about the plants.
Plants and fish both are healthier in a longer fish tank than a taller tank. I would also argue that plants look better in a longer tank as well. A longer deeper tank gives more opportunity to develop your healthy aquatic plant display. There is just more room to place your plants. Let’s not forget that a tank with more surface are also has more bottom area.
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